

The Catxupinha

The Catxupinha


The Catxupinha
A beautiful two week stay to delve into the Creole soul of Cape Verde, by visiting four of its islands, each with its unique geographical features and deeply rooted culture: be prepared for a spectacular journey.



Type of stay :

Island(s) :
São Vicente
Santo Antão
São Vicente

Localities visited :
Praia, São Filipe, Cha das Caldeiras, Mindelo, Ponta do Sol, Paúl

Length : 15 days

Maximum difficulty : 0

A beautiful two week stay to delve into the Creole soul of Cape Verde, by visiting four of its islands, each with its unique geographical features and deeply rooted culture: be prepared for a spectacular journey. Complete program in the details section.


Regions covered : click
The Catxupinha

Info: für Passagiere der TAP-Flüge von Lissabon nach Santiago (RAI) geeignet.

Day 1
Arrival in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde. Transfer from the airport to our hotel. Night in the Plateau neighbourhood, the historic centre of town.

Included services:
- Transfer airport - accomodation
- ON/DBL Hotel Santa Maria, Praia
- (-/-/-)

Day 2
Kem ka ta badu, ka ta biradu - Who does not leave, can't return: the traveller is greeted with those words carved on a monument in front of the Praia airport. We leave Santiago for a few days and are off to the island of fire: Fogo. In São Filipe, we are overwhelmed by the serenity of this little town, surrounded by black sand beaches, and by its charming and colourful streets. Night in Sao Filipe.

Included services:
- airport transfers in Santiago and Fogo
- domestic flight Santiago > Fogo
- ON/DBL Pousada Belavista, São Filipe
- (B/-/-)

Day 3 & 4
It's time to pay a visit to the volcano! The island gets its name from the crater in its centre, which last erupted in 1995. Alone the ride uphill is breathtaking - suddenly, after a curve, there it is: majestic and impressive. Its smouldering look will watch over us for the next two days. We spend the night at the foot of the volcano, without running water or electricity - but don't worry: the amenities are more than liveable!
Explore the natural environment surrounding Pico, take a moment to imagine how much power was needed to launch this cone 2800m above sea-level; finally, let us reward ourselves with a glass of the locally produced red wine made from grapevines imported two centuries ago by a French count living in exile in the archipelago.

Included services:
- transfer to the crater
- 2 x ON/DBL Casa Marisa, Cha das Caldeiras
- (B/-/-)

Day 5
You can take our word for it: leaving this magical place is a sorrowful moment, full of melancholy. But the hinterland of Santiago, the most African island of Cape Verde, is awaiting us. The region of Rui Vaz has so much to offer! Night in a mountain lodge... The delightful dinner is made with the vegetables produced in the surrounding gardens: they even grow strawberries.

Included services:
- airport transfers in Fogo and Santiago
- domestic flight Fogo > Santiago
- ON/DBL Quinta da Montanha, Rui Vaz
- (B/-/D)

Day 6
After being awoken by birds pecking their beak against our window, we enjoy a breakfast overlooking the spectacular mountain panorama. From here we can visit the island, go swimming in Tarrafal or simply observe the Cape Verdean daily life, mostly happening in the street. Night in a mountain lodge.

Included services:
- ON/DBL Quinta da Montanha, Rui Vaz
- (B/-/D)

Day 7
Today we leave the Leeward Islands (Sotavento) and discover the Windward Islands (Barlavento). Our first stop is in Mindelo, the cultural capital of the country. To test the water of this special place, why not have a coffee in one of the many bars on Rua Lisboa. Night in the historic centre of Mindelo.

Included services:
- airport transfers in Santiago and São Vicente
- domestic flight Santiago > São Vicente
- ON/DBL Casa Colonial, Mindelo
- (B/-/-)

Day 8
Let's spend the day on São Vicente, home to Mindelo: we immerse ourselves in the covered markets of the city, take a tour of the island to panha fresko (get fresh air) on top of Monte Verde, the island's highest point at 774m. Though the topography of São Vicente may be less spectacular than his sisters', we most certainly fell under the charm of Mindelo. Night in the historic centre of Mindelo.

Included services:
- ON/DBL Casa Colonial, Mindelo
- (B/-/-)

Day 9, 10, 11 and 12
Ferry to the decadently green island of Santo Antão - the big sister of São Nicolau. Be careful: the landscapes of this island are of breathtaking beauty. Upon your arrival, find a private taxi or take a public minibus (aluguer). The private taxi, more expensive, will lead you to your destination via the wonderful 'road of the Rope' (and it will stop if you want to take pictures), while most minibuses take the new coastal road, faster and more comfortable - also beautiful, but far less impressive than the road of the Rope.
You are free to decide where you want to spend your 4 nights in Santo Antão: may we suggest you stay in either Paúl or Ponta do Sol. If you want to combine hiking with this stay, feel free to browse our selection on Kapverden Wandern in the hikes section, there is something for everyone and for all levels.

Included services:
- transfer to the harbour
- ferry tickets São Vicente > Santo Antão
- 2x ON/DBL Aldeia Jerome, Vila das Pombas
- 2x ON/DBL Kasa Tambla, Ponta do Sol
- (B/-/-)

Day 13
Ferry back to the nearby island of São Vicente. Let's take advantage of the time on this island to do some last minute shopping. If we head to the market, we'll find the good malagueta (piripiri), the spicy oil that we were able to enjoy with every meal. Our tip: have a nice cup of tea while nibbling on the pasteis de midj (sort of doughnuts made of corn) at the Casa Café Mindelo, a very aesthetic place. Night in the historic centre of Mindelo.

Included services:
- ferry tickets Santo Antão > São Vicente
- Transfer from the harbour to the hotel
- ON/DBL Casa Colonial, Mindelo
- (B/-/-)

Day 14
Return to Praia - we make the most of the capital on our last day. Below the Plateau we find Praia's market #1: Sukupira - where one can find everything: African textiles, designer clothings, crafts and jewelry. It's worth it: even if it's just to walk around, it's a great place to take the pulse of the city. Night in the Plateau neighborhood in Praia.

Included services:
- airport transfers in São Vicente and Santiago
- domestic flight São Vicente > Santiago
- ON/DBL Hotel Santa Maria, Praia
- (B/-/-)

Day 15
Flight back to Europe. Don't be sad: the sodade might be so strong that you'll eventually come back!

Included services:
- Dayuse/DZ Hotel Santa Maria, Praia
- airport transfer
- (B/-/-)

Cachupa (auch: Catchupa, catxupa, katxhupa) ist der Name des Nationalgerichts: ein Eintopf aus Mais und Bohnen, stundenlang geköchelt nach einer Nacht einweichen. Man fügt gerne Süßkartoffeln, Kohl, Thunfisch oder Schwein- oder Hähnchenfleisch hinzu: dann trägt es den Namen Cachupa rica (reiche Catchupa). Das, was übrig geblieben ist, wird zu einer späteren Mahlzeit in einer heißen Bratpfanne gebraten (cachupa refogod), serviert mit einem Spiegelei.
In schweren Zeiten war die Cachupa die einzige Mahlzeit des ganzen Tages. Aus diesem Grund sollte es nahrhaft und kräftig sein. Im ganzen Land essen auch heute noch Besserverdienende sowie ärmere Schichten der Bevölkerung die Catchupa mit einem gewissen Stolz. Es ist ohne Zweifel eines der Symbole der kapverdischen Einheit. Wir haben uns für den Namen Catxupinha (der Verkleinerungsform von Catxupa) entschieden, um unser Engagement für diese Einheit als auch unsere Liebe zu diesem Nationalgericht zum Ausdruck zu bringen.


Inkludierte Leistungen:
Inlandsflüge Santiago > Fogo > Santiago > São Vicente > Santiago inkl. Steuern und Gebühren
Fährüberfahrt São Vicente - Santo Antão - São Vicente
14 Übernachtungen mit Frühstück, inkl. Übernachtungssteuer
Tageszimmer am Ende der Reise
2x Abendessen
Alle Flughafentransfers, Hafentransfers auf São Vicente
Unsere 24-Stunden Notrufnummer

Nicht inkludierte Leistungen:
Visum Kapverden (25 EUR)
Nicht genannte Mahlzeiten sowie alle Getränke
Alle anderen nicht genannten Leistungen

Inkludierte Mahlzeiten sind folgendermaßen gekennzeichnet:
F = Frühstück; LP = Lunchpaket; KP = Kaffeepause; M = Mittagessen; A = Abendessen

Price per person

1329 € pro Person, bezogen auf zwei Personen in einem Doppelzimmer

1256 € pro Person, bezogen auf vier Personen in zwei Doppelzimmern

Extra charge (optional, price per person)

263 € for a single room (when available)

The Catxupinha Ctachupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha The Catxupinha Catxupinha

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Levels of difficulty:

1 = Easy cheesy
2 = Easy
3 = Difficult in some places
4 = Intense
5 = Do not even think of it
* = Only with a guide

Suggestions for other walks

The best of Cape Verde
Santiago + Fogo + São Vicente + Santo Antão + Sal
14 days - difficulty: 0
Relaxed insights
Santiago + São Vicente + Santo Antão + Boa Vista
12 days - difficulty: 0
Adventure & Natural Spectacles
Santiago + São Vicente + Santo Antão
13 days - difficulty: 3
All on your own
Santiago + Fogo + São Vicente + Santo Antão + Sal
13 days - difficulty: 0
The South
Santiago + Fogo + Boa Vista
15 days - difficulty: 0