

The Midj ma Fjon

The Midj ma Fjon


The Midj ma Fjon
A week discovering three different islands: Santiago the African, São Vicente the elegant and Santo Antão the tropical, breadbasket of the Northern part of the archipelago. You will experience contrasting atmospheres, but also a common sweetness of life.



Type of stay :

Island(s) :
São Vicente
Santo Antão
São Vicente

Localities visited :
Praia, Mindelo, Ponta do Sol, Paúl

Length : 8 days

Maximum difficulty : 0

This tour reveals the contrast between the Northern and the Southern islands. It seems as if the archipelago was made for travellers: ten identical islands would have been a bit monotonous, don't you think?

Each island is a small country of its own, with its unique geography, traditions, rhythm and language. With this one-week tour, you'll be able to unwrap the diversity of Cape Verde, not only in the landscapes but also among the people themselves. From the political and economic capital of Praia, to the mountains of Santo Antão almost entirely devoted to agriculture, to the bay city of Mindelo, influenced by foreign cultures such as of Great Britain, Brazil and the Mediterranean region.


Regions covered : click
The Midj ma Fjon

Auch für Ankunft in Santiago (RAI) geeignet.

Day 1
Welcome and transfer from the airport to our hotel in Mindelo, the proud cultural capital, with its music, the Carnival, the sailors' taverns - and let's not forget about the view upon the bay. As the famous barefoot diva Cesária Évora once sang: Quem ca ta conxê Mindelo, ca ta conché Cabo Verde: who does not know Mindelo, does not know Cape Verde. We spend the night in the historic centre of Mindelo.

included services:
- Transfer airport - accomodation
- ON/DBL Casa Colonial, Mindelo
- (-/-/-)

Day 2
Ferry to Santo Antão, the green island. Be careful: the landscapes of this island are of breathtaking beauty. Upon your arrival, why not find a private taxi or take a public minibus (aluguer). The private taxi, more expensive, will lead you to your destination via the wonderful 'road of the Rope' (and it will stop if you want to take pictures), while most minibuses take the new coastal road, faster and more comfortable - also beautiful, but far less impressive than the road of the Rope.
You are free to decide where to spend your 4 nights in Santo Antão: may we suggest you stay in either Paúl or Ponta do Sol.

included services:
- Transfer to the harbour
- ferry tickets São Vicente > Santo Antão
- ON/DBL Aldeia Jerome, Vila das Pombas
- (B/-/-)

Day 3
Santo Antão marks the Northern and Western limits of the archipelago, which was designated as a geographic landmark in the Treaty of Tordesilhas in 1494 - dividing up the Spanish and Portuguese conquests. After Santiago, it is the second largest island in Cape Verde, and, with Tope de Coroa (1, 979 m), it has the second highest peak after Fogo. His high mountainous areas block the clouds on the Northern side, making the climate wetter, cooler, and more favourable for growing crops.

included services:
- ON/DBL Aldeia Jerome, Vila das Pombas
- (B/-/-)

Day 4
From Ribeira Grande, you may head East along the sea, passing Sinagoga, the ruins of a former leper colony, which will soon give way to a tourist complex. Later, Vila das Pombas unexpectedly emerges around a curve. This lovely and prosperous town is located at the quiet end of the Ribeira da Paúl, probably one of the most beautiful landscapes in Cape Verde: an agricultural valley filled with the scent of sugar cane, dotted with quaint colonial houses and countless trapiches (cane mills) that produce the local rum called grog.

included services:
- ON/DBL Kaza Tambla, Ponta do Sol
- (B/-/-)

Day 5
From Ribeira Grande, if you take the route towards West, you land in Ponta do Sol: a small, pretty administrative municipality featured with a tiny fishing port, from which you can observe the hectic return of the fishermen. They must go through a rough and narrow channel, bearing a symbolic name: Boca da pistola (the mouth of the gun).

included services:
- ON/DBL Kaza Tambla, Ponta do Sol
- (B/-/-)

If you want to combine hiking with this stay, see our selection published on Kapverden Wandern under the hiking section, there is something for everyone and for all levels.

Day 6
Ferry to São Vicente/Mindelo. Our Kapverden Wandern tip: let's climb to the first floor of the beautiful covered market on Rua de Lisboa, from which we have a beautiful view of the stalls filled with vegetables. It is a known fact that Cape Verdean music calms sodade (a feeling best described as homesickness).

included services:
- ferry tickets Santo Antão > São Vicente
- Transfer from the harbour to the hotel
- ON/DBL Casa Colonial, Mindelo
- (B/-/-)

Day 7
Alas, the time has come to carefully pack our bottle of grog in our suitcase - it will help to mata sodad (kill the nostalgia) once you're home. Although no vaccine is mandatory to enter Cape Verde, it seems there is an active virus around: whoever catches it can only think about one thing: go back to Cape Verde. See you soon!

included services:
- Dayuse/DBL Casa Colonial, Mindelo
- transfer to the airport
- (B/-/-)

Midj ma fjon: Mais und Bohnen, die zwei Hauptzutaten der Kapverdischen Cuisine, auch genutzt um Feijoada oder Kuskus (dafür wird der Mais gemahlen) herzustellen.
Aber das Wichtigste ist, dass Mais und Bohnen vom Anfang an untrennbar sind, indem sie zusammen angebaut werden, wachsen – und zusammen im Topf schmoren, um eine Catchupa zu erhalten, das Hauptgericht der Kapverden.

Midj ma Fjon, Mais und Bohnen, schwarz und weiss... Eine Allegorie der ethnischen bzw. kulturellen Vielfalt der Kapverden, deren Einwohner auf deren breite Palette an Hautfarben stolz sind.


Inkludierte Leistungen:
Fährüberfahrt São Vicente - Santo Antão - São Vicente
6 Übernachtungen mit Frühstück, inkl. Übernachtungssteuer
Tageszimmer am Ende der Reise
Alle Flughafentransfers, Hafentransfers auf São Vicente
Unsere 24-Stunden Notrufnummer

Nicht inkludierte Leistungen:
Visum Kapverden (25 EUR)
Nicht genannte Mahlzeiten sowie alle Getränke
Alle anderen nicht genannten Leistungen

inkludierte Mahlzeiten sind folgendermaßen gekennzeichnet:
F = Frühstück; LP = Lunchpaket; KP =Kaffeepause; M = Mittagessen; A = Abendessen

Price per person

298 € pro Person, bezogen auf zwei Leute in einem Doppelzimmer

294 € pro Person, bezogen auf vier Leute in 2 Doppelzimmern

Extra charge (optional, price per person)

156 € for a single room (when available)

The Midj ma Fjon Midj The Midj ma Fjon Midj The Midj ma Fjon Midj The Midj ma Fjon Midj

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Levels of difficulty:

1 = Easy cheesy
2 = Easy
3 = Difficult in some places
4 = Intense
5 = Do not even think of it
* = Only with a guide

Suggestions for other walks

Relaxed insights
Santiago + São Vicente + Santo Antão + Boa Vista
12 days - difficulty: 0
Adventure & Natural Spectacles
Santiago + São Vicente + Santo Antão
13 days - difficulty: 3
All on your own
Santiago + Fogo + São Vicente + Santo Antão + Sal
13 days - difficulty: 0
The Romeo & Juliet
Santiago + São Vicente + Santo Antão
8 days - difficulty: 0
The Bubbly
Santiago + Fogo
8 days - difficulty: 0